[sork] Re: Functionality request... (Chuck Hagenbuch)

Michael J. Pelletier mjpelletier at mjpelletier.com
Sun May 16 21:17:29 PDT 2004

>> Is it possible to add forward and vaction support to Cyrus users (via sieve)?

>Yup. Use Ingo (gives you full filtering as well). It's been around for over a
>year, and supported sieve in the beginning.


The problem is that it is ingo is not flexible as the application smartsieve.
Here are some of the problems I have:

I use Spamassassin/Razor/MIMEDefang to filter incoming email. If an email is
spam, a header is added of "X-Spam-Score". For each user I have added a sieve
script that will move any message with a "X-Spam-Score" to the users SPAM
directory. I have been using smartsieve. I would like to migrate to ingo, since
it is built into Horde. Here are the problems I have had with ingo:

1) I cannot create a SPAM filter in ingo. Just simple whitelists/blacklists.
2) If I create a SPAM filter then, try to use ingo to add to this filter, ingo
will delete my script and add the whitrelist/blacklist information.
3) It would be nice to have a more user friendly gui like smartsieve. Checkout

What do you think?


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