[sork] Can't return to IMP after successfull change of password

Roger Nyman roger.nyman at uni-it.se
Fri Jul 30 09:54:05 PDT 2004


For the passwd module I've set up Imp to show in the top menu bar ( 
/passwd/config/conf.php - $['conf'].['menu'] = array('imp');  )

After successfully changed password, and being returned back to the 
/passwd/main.php page with a message saying ~ ok on the change, I click on 
the Imp link i the menu bar.
After approx. 20 seconds I'm redirected to the horde login-page (in my case 
I then login again, with my new password supplied, and the mailbox opens 
but with a row at the top saying "Notice: unserialize() failed at offset 0 
of 34 bytes in /var/www/html/mail/horde/lib/Auth.php on line 250" . See 
dump 1 from the linked page below.

After this I'm bound for problems (dump 2)

To get by this I have to kill the session, i.e. close my IE, and return to 
base for a new login. After that all works fine again.

Some screendumps that might be helpfull can be found at 

Please assist!

Roger Nyman
Uni-IT Support AB
Tel: +46 (0)221-846 48
Fax: +46 (0)221-846 49
Mobile: +46 (0)70-618 46 48
E-mail: roger.nyman at uni-it.se 

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