[sork] Writing drivers for Vacation/Forwards

Alan W. Rateliff, II lists at rateliff.net
Tue Aug 10 06:37:17 PDT 2004

I am setting out to produce drivers for Vacation and Forwards which will use
the email administration functionality of Post.Office to set up auto-replies
and forwarding.

Before doing so, I wanted to know if anyone had already played with this, if
anyone has a good blue-print for writing a driver, and if I should look at
spending time writing this for Horde 2 or the upcoming Horde 3 system.

       Alan W. Rateliff, II        :       RATELIFF.NET
 Independent Technology Consultant :    alan2 at rateliff.net
      (Office) 850/350-0260        :  (Mobile) 850/559-0100
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