[sork] Aliases and Vacation
Tommi Sakari Uimonen
tuimonen at cc.hut.fi
Wed Aug 18 03:18:27 PDT 2004
> Tommi Sakari Uimonen wrote:
>> I hacked a few years ago a solution that reads the aliases from
>> /etc/aliases and used the '-a alias1 -a alias2 -a alias3 username' for
>> vacation. The vacation was from RedHat 7.2
> I am interested by your implementation which reads /etc/aliases.
To vacation.php I created a new function get_aliases($user) and called
that from set_vacation(...)
It uses config variable which I set to vacation/config/conf.php:
$conf['vacation']['aliasfile'] = '/etc/mail/aliases';
The vacation.php is attached. (It worked with vacation 1.x, but might
have some issues with 2.0)
There is still some faults like the user is not able to see the current
vacation message (even when the message is just set, it will display the
-------------- next part --------------
* Class to set a vacation notice via ftp.
class vacation {
/** file pointer to the tmp file we create containing the forwarding
and/or vacation message information */
var $fp;
/** The error string returned to the user if an error occurs. */
var $err_str;
* Create a temporary file and write some data to it.
* @param $contents What to write into the file.
* @return mixed False if file creation failed for any reason,
* the file specification created on success.
function write_temp_file($contents)
$conf = &$GLOBALS['conf'];
$oldUmask = umask(0077);
$myTempFile = tempnam(@$conf['tmpdir'], "vacation");
if ($myTempFile == false) {
$this->err_str = _("tempnam() failed!");
return false;
if (!($fileHandle = fopen($myTempFile, "w"))) {
$this->err_str = _("Could not create file");
return false;
if (!(fputs($fileHandle, $contents))) {
$this->err_str = _("Could not write to file");
return false;
return $myTempFile;
* Delete a file via ftp.
* @param $user The username to login as via ftp.
* @param $realm The realm (domain) of the user if any.
* @param $pass The password to login with via ftp.
* @param $file The file specification to delete on the remote machine.
* @return boolean True or False depending on the success of the delete.
function ftp_delete_file($user, $realm, $pass, $file)
if (!($ftpConnection = @ftp_connect($this->get_server($realm),
$this->get_port($realm)))) {
$this->err_str = _("Server connection failed");
return false;
if (!(@ftp_login($ftpConnection, $user, $pass))) {
$this->err_str = _("Could not login - check password!");
return false;
// should probably do a cwd to their home, but we don't...
//ftp_chdir($ftpConnection, "/home/eric/");
if (!(@ftp_delete($ftpConnection, $file))) {
$this->err_str = "Error deleting $file file -- Maybe you didn't have a vacation notice installed?";
return false;
return true;
* Copy a file between two machines via ftp.
* @param $user The username to login as via ftp.
* @param $realm The realm (domain) of the user if any.
* @param $pass The password to login with via ftp.
* @param $src The source file specification to copy.
* @param $dst The destination file specification to write.
* @param $mode The ftp transfer mode (binary or text).
* @return boolean True or False depending on success of the copy.
function ftp_copy_file($user, $realm, $pass, $src, $dst, $mode=FTP_ASCII)
if (!($ftpConnection = @ftp_connect($this->get_server($realm),
$this->get_port($realm)))) {
$this->err_str = _("Server connection failed");
return false;
if (!(@ftp_login($ftpConnection, $user, $pass))) {
$this->err_str = _("Could not login -- check password!");
return false;
// should probably do a cwd to their home, but we don't...
//ftp_chdir($ftpConnection, "/home/eric/");
// ftp_put won't overwrite existing file, so nuke it unconditionally
@ftp_delete($ftpConnection, $dst);
if (!(@ftp_put($ftpConnection, $dst, $src, $mode))) {
$this->err_str = _("Could not set forwarding!");
return false;
return true;
* Get the server name for a particular realm from the config variables.
* @param $realm The realm for which to get the server.
* @return string The server address for the passed or default realm.
function get_server($realm) {
$conf = &$GLOBALS['conf'];
$server = @$conf['server']['default']['host'];
if ( isset($realm) && $realm != "" ) {
if (isset($conf['server'][$realm]['host']) )
$server = $conf['server'][$realm]['host'];
if ( $server == "") {
$this->err_str = _("Warning: Module not properly configured! Assuming localhost");
$server = "localhost";
return $server;
* Get the server port number for a particular realm from the config variables.
* @param $realm The realm for which to get the server port.
* @return string The server port for the passed or default realm.
function get_port($realm) {
$conf = &$GLOBALS['conf'];
$port = @$conf['server']['default']['port'];
if ( isset($realm) && $realm != "" ) {
if (isset($conf['server'][$realm]['port']) )
$port = $conf['server'][$realm]['port'];
if ( $port == "") {
$port = "21";
return $port;
* Get aliases for user
function get_aliases($user)
$aliases = '';
$conf = &$GLOBALS['conf'];
$aliasfilename = @$conf['vacation']['aliasfile'];
if(!file_exists($aliasfilename)) {
// do something clever
return false;
// ooh, I'm impressed
// the .forward still works fine, but no aliases will be defined
if (!($fileHandle = fopen($aliasfilename, "r"))) {
$this->err_str = _("Could not open file %s",$aliasfilename);
return false;
while(!feof($fileHandle)) {
$buffer = fgets($fileHandle,1024);
if(ereg( "^([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)[:][[:space:]]*([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\n$", $buffer ,$item)) {
// $item[1]=The.Alias.Name
// $item[2]=username
if(strcmp($item[2],$user)==0) {
foreach($name as $n) {
// don't add if the alias is already added
if(!strstr($aliases," -a $n")) { $aliases.= " -a $n";}
return $aliases;
* Set the vacation notice up.
function set_vacation($user, $realm, $pass, $message) {
$conf = &$GLOBALS['conf'];
$myFile = $this->write_temp_file($message);
if (!file_exists($myFile)) return false;
$status = $this->ftp_copy_file($user, $realm, $pass, $myFile, ".vacation.msg");
if (!$status) return false;
if (! $this->ftp_copy_file($user, $realm, $pass, "/dev/null", ".vacation.pag") )
return false;
if (! $this->ftp_copy_file($user, $realm, $pass, "/dev/null", ".vacation.dir") )
return false;
if (! $this->ftp_copy_file($user, $realm, $pass, "/dev/null", ".vacation.db") )
return false;
$useraliases = $this->get_aliases($user);
$myFile = $this->write_temp_file("\\$user, \"|" . $conf['vacation']['path'] . "$useraliases $user\"");
if (!file_exists($myFile)) return false;
if (! $this->ftp_copy_file($user, $realm, $pass, $myFile, ".forward") )
return false;
return true;
* Remove any existing vacation notices.
function unset_vacation($user, $realm, $pass) {
if (! $this->ftp_delete_file($user, $realm, $pass, ".forward") )
return false;
if (! $this->ftp_delete_file($user, $realm, $pass, ".vacation.msg") )
return false;
// we could, but don't, check for errors on these...
// they are more-or-less harmless without the above two files...
$this->ftp_delete_file($user, $realm, $pass, ".vacation.pag");
$this->ftp_delete_file($user, $realm, $pass, ".vacation.dir");
$this->ftp_delete_file($user, $realm, $pass, ".vacation.db");
return true;
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