[sork] vacation module problems

Ian Wilson ian at slo.gflsystems.com
Thu Aug 26 11:09:18 PDT 2004


  horde 2.2.4
  horde vacation module version 2.1
  Suse 9.1
I want to use the qmail driver for the horde vacation module but I am running 
into some problems.  

I get this error

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'horde_vfs' 
in /home/httpd/vhosts/webmail/horde/vacation/lib/Driver/qmail.php on line 100

which I can get rid of by adding this line to 'vacation/lib/base.php'

require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/VFS.php';

I also get the error:

 Warning: Missing argument 5 for set_vacation() 
in /home/httpd/vhosts/webmail/horde/vacation/lib/Driver/qmail.php on line 81

which seems to be cause by the function call in vacation/main.php

set_vacation($user, $realm, $oldpassword, $vacationmsg) on line 55 which does 
not include the alias

This is probably all caused by some sort of a version conflict so if anyone 
could set me straight that would be great.  Although changing the horde 
install is my last resort.

If passwd does not have all the users(virtual hosting) will this module still 

Where can I check to see if the vacation module is actually working?
Thank you in advance.

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