[sork] Quota pb in Accounts

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Tue Jan 4 10:59:50 PST 2005

Quoting Ludovic Ishiomin <lishiomin at free.fr>:

> Hello and happy new year,


> I think there is a bug in the quota parsing.

Okay.  What kind of bug?  Would be useful if you explained the problem
and how your patch fixes it.

> Please find the patch attached, from the CVS checked today.

Okay.  Care to explain it though?

> Have you got some tips to implement quotas for other mail repositories ?

You need to explain further what you want; your wording is ambigous.

> For example, in my configuration, (RH AS 3.0 with LVM), I have quota enabled
> on
> /dev/Data/Mail mounted on /var/spool/mail (INBOX only) and
> /dev/Data/Home mounted on /home (other mailboxes made with imp).

This is not supported in any of the Horde related quota utilities.  Only a
single quota is supported.

You could locally patch it, but it could break future compatibility, etc.

> Just parse the result of the quota command ?
> What would be the best way to display the different repositories, and the
> mailboxes associated with ?

That's the rub.  Most places (e.g. in IMP) we only support displaying a 
single quota, not multiple quotas.  Changing accounts would either involve
breaking its api, or modifying its api to somehow handle multiple quotas
in a standard way.  But I can't think of what that "standard way" would be
off hand.

> Thanks

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!

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