[sork] Re: [PATCH] filesystem driver for forwards

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Feb 16 20:37:08 PST 2005

Quoting Thielpark Systeme GmbH - Philipp Offermann <offermann at thielpark.de>:

> I coded a new driver for forwards. It works directly on the filesystem. I
> included some configuration options to determine where the .forward-file
> should go, but it is probably not yet flexible enough to fit everyones needs.
> I'm open to suggestions. Obviously the webserver needs write access to the
> directory. I'm not very good with filesystem permissions, perhaps someone
> comes up with a better umask.

Please post this in an enhancement request on bugs.horde.org so it 
doesn't get lost - thanks.


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Quincy Adams

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