[sork] Re: forwards, vacation and ldap

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Thu Mar 31 04:13:18 PST 2005

Quoting alain <alain.defrance at univ-evry.fr>:

>> Alan,
>> Your conf.php is built automatically from the conf.xml by going to your
>> administration menu at the bottom of the left menu or from the top menu
>> bar in the portal page between layout and options. Open it and choose
>> setup.  You should see a green checkmark if they are configured and up
>> to date or a red hand if they need to be configured as in this case.
>> Click on the red hand and check and/or configure the options that you
>> want to change and all the tabs.  IIRC, there isn't a sork option but
>> there are options for each of the sork applications such as forwards,
>> vacations and passwords.
>> I hope this helps,
>> ed
> ed,
> here'is the problem i've no administration menu, and i don't how to use
> it...
> i've only heard about it, i've never had to use administration menu, my
> horde/imp work fine without...
> how activate administration menu or is it possible to buitl conf.php
> from conf.xml with command line ?

That is an interesting problem.  Do you have a horde/config/conf.php?  
If so, you could CAREFULLY edit the following line substituting your 
username and have something similar to the following line.  Be sure to 
make a copy of your conf.php before editing, just in case there is an 

$conf['auth']['admins'] = array('eculp at encontacto.net');

It may be your email or not depending on the rest of your setup but I'm 
sure that you know that.

After logging out and back in you should have an admin menu, I hope ;)

good luck,


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