[sork] Re: horde 3

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Fri Apr 1 09:21:34 PST 2005

Quoting alain <alain.defrance at univ-evry.fr>:

> i've installed horde3 and imp4, and i've few questions :
> 1 : what can i do to avoid logging twice (one time for horde and one
> time for courrier) ?

When you configure Horde, tell it to use IMP login (application login
with IMP being the application) for authentication.  Not sure how to
do this with Horde 4 yet, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out.

> 2 : filters are desactivate and i've not found the parameter to active
> them (none in administration menu, or in horde.php and imp/config/prefs.php)

Filters were moved to a separate module called Ingo.  You'll need to 
install Ingo to get filters now.
> thanks for reply

Sure, but neither of these questions belongs on the Sork mailing list.
You should use the Horde and/or IMP mailing lists instead for questions
not related to sork.

> alain Defrance

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!

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