[sork] Re: [dev] VFS errors in HEAD version of Vcation

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Apr 11 14:03:17 PDT 2005

Quoting Lance Wilson <lance at webguyinternet.com>:

> I just installed the latest version of the HEAD CVS of Vacation (with HEAD
> versions of Horde, IMP, Gollem, etc)

You should report this to the sork mailing list instead of the dev mailing

What driver are you using?

> When I try to create a vacation message I get this error:
>   Failure in modifying vacation notice: Unable to write VFS file
> ".vacation.msg".
> What does this mean?

It means the driver (you didn't specify which driver you configured) returned
a failure message which reads "Unable to write the VFS file ".vacation.msg".

This could be for various reasons.  If using the forwards (ftp based)
driver, it would imply that the login to the ftp server worked, but writing
the file failed.  This could be because the ftp server doesn't automatically
drop the loggin into their home directory, or the login doesn't have write
permission to the home directory, or the file already exists and can't be
overwritten, or the file system used doesn't support the filename used,
or any number of other things.

So, assuming you do use the ftp forwards driver, I'd check your ftp server
logs for errors to help debug it.

> I am able to get Gollem to work and FTP into my remote
> mailserver box but Vacation does not seem to work. Any ideas?  How to I
> enable the debugging to get further details on this issue.

First, check your ftp server logs.  Then, try a manual ftp connection
and see if it puts you in the proper directory, and if so, if you can
put a file there called .vacation.msg or not.
> I am using MySQL in the Horde Prefs as the VFS filesystem.  I'm not sure if
> this is related.

Depends on how you configured vacation, I think.  But I could be wrong.

> Lance Wilson

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
Why get even? Get odd!

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