[sork] Class Horde not found ?

Herve Ballans ballans at lps.u-psud.fr
Tue Sep 6 03:14:53 PDT 2005

thanks, with CVS version, it's now working !
but...(I don't know if it's a sork or an imp question about ?)
before, with version 3.x of imp, the user could change some parameters 
like the "reply address".
I don't see this functionnality on the version 4 of imp. So I've 
installed 'accounts' because I think that this module could allow to 
change the reply address.
But, with 'accounts' I just see the login information.
With Horde3/imp4, where does I change any user parameter ?
Thanks in advance

Eric Rostetter wrote:

>Quoting Herve Ballans <ballans at lps.u-psud.fr>:
>>I've installed successfully IMP 4.0.3 with Horde 3.0.5.
>>The webmail works pretty good.
>>Thus, I've also installed accounts 2.1.2 and passwd 2.2.2.
>>But when I would access to these functions, I've got an error message :
>Those versions are not compatible.  You need to use the CVS HEAD version
>of accounts, and the either the CVS HEAD or release candidate (beta?)
>of Passwd.

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