[sork] Passwd and Vpopmail

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Sep 23 04:02:56 PDT 2005

Quoting Rodrigo Gesswein <rodrigo.gesswein at gmail.com>:

> Hi!
> I'm using Horde 3.0.5 and passwd H3 3.0-RC1; the results from test.php
> are all OK. I'm trying to configure passwd with vpopmail driver but
> when I try to change a password, always I get the message "Incorrect
> Password". I'm not using clear password with vpopmail.
> Any tips or ideas ?

Yes, you need to add the domain to the user name given on the GUI.  
E.G.: In the
user name text box change earnie to earnie at mydomain.com.  This is a bug I
haven't reported yet, because I haven't had time to research the code.

> Thank you very much


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