[sork] Poppassd keep teling me error 500 incorrect old password

Juan Stiller juanstiller at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Oct 27 21:18:13 PDT 2005

Hi, there:

I`ve installed poppassd, to be used with passwd for
horde, but im having this annoying error recursivly,
when i try telnet host 106 (i`ve added poppassd
tcp/106 on services)i am asked the user, the the
password and when i enter pass oldpass i get that the
old password is incorrect, and the password is just
fine. May this be a PAM problem, i also recompiled
poppassd to discard that was a comilation error but
the same over and over again. 

Any hint?



PS: I`ve installed poppassd on another server with
passwd 3 and its working fine, i don`t understand why
with this other server is not.


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