[sork] Fatal error: Class passwd_driver_xams: Cannot inherit from undefined class passwd_driver_sql

Jan Johansson j2 at mupp.net
Tue Jan 17 12:07:10 PST 2006

Oliver Siegman (lead developer of the now 'dead' XAMS) wrote a plugin for
passwd that would interface to XAMS, but I get

Fatal error: Class passwd_driver_xams: Cannot inherit from undefined class

And I have no clue what might be wrong?

 * The XAMS driver attempts to change a user's password stored in an
 * databse and implements the Passwd_Driver API.
 * $Horde: passwd/lib/Driver/sql.php,v 1.24 2005/08/23 11:15:06 jan Exp $
 * Copyright 2000-2005 Horde Project (http://www.horde.org/)
 * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (ASL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/asl.php.
 * @author  Mike Cochrane <mike at graftonhall.co.nz>
 * @author  Ilya Krel <mail at krel.org>
 * @author  Tjeerd van der Zee <admin at xar.nl>
 * @author  Mattias Webjörn Eriksson <mattias at webjorn.org>
 * @author  Eric Jon Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>
 * @author  Oliver Siegmar <oliver.siegmar at xams.org>
 * @package Passwd
class Passwd_Driver_xams extends Passwd_Driver_sql {

     * Constructs a new Passwd_Driver_sql object.
     * @param array $params  A hash containing connection parameters.
    function Passwd_Driver_xams($params = array())
        if (isset($params['phptype'])) {
            $this->_params['phptype'] = $params['phptype'];
        } else {
            return PEAR::raiseError(_("Required 'phptype' not specified in
Passwd SQL configuration."));

        /* Use defaults from Horde, but allow overriding in backends.php. */
        $this->_params = array_merge(Horde::getDriverConfig('', 'xams'),

        /* These default to matching the Auth_sql defaults. */
        $this->_params['encryption'] = isset($params['encryption']) ?
$params['encryption'] : 'md5';
        $this->_params['show_encryption'] =
isset($params['show_encryption']) ? $params['show_encryption'] : false;

     * Find out if a username and password is valid.
     * @param string $userID        The userID to check.
     * @param string $old_password  An old password to check.
     * @return boolean  True on valid or PEAR_Error on invalid.
    function _lookup($user, $old_password)
        /* Connect to the database */
        $res = $this->_connect();
        if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
            return $res;

        /* Build the SQL query. */
        if (strpos($username, '@') === false)
            $sql = 'SELECT     pm_users.id,
                    FROM       pm_sites
                    INNER JOIN pm_domains
                    ON         pm_sites.id = pm_domains.siteid
                    INNER JOIN pm_users
                    ON         pm_sites.id = pm_users.siteid
                    WHERE      pm_users.uniquename = ?';
            $values = array($user);
            $sql = 'SELECT     pm_users.id,
                    FROM       pm_sites
                    INNER JOIN pm_domains
                    ON         pm_sites.id = pm_domains.siteid
                    INNER JOIN pm_users
                    ON         pm_sites.id = pm_users.siteid
                    WHERE      pm_users.name = ?
                    AND        pm_domains.name = ?';
            $values = explode('@', $user);

        Horde::logMessage('SQL Query by Passwd_Driver_sql::_lookup(): ' .
$sql, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);

        /* Execute the query. */
        $result = $this->_db->query($sql, $values);
        if (!is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
            $row = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
            if (is_array($row)) {
                /* Get the password from the database. */
                $current_password = $row['password'];

                /* Check the passwords match. */
                $ret = $this->comparePasswords($current_password,

                return ($ret === true) ? $row['id'] : $ret;
        return PEAR::raiseError(_("User not found"));

     * Modify (update) a mysql password record for a user.
     * @param string $user          The user whose record we will udpate.
     * @param string $new_password  The new password value to set.
     * @return boolean  True or False based on success of the modify.
    function _modify($user, $new_password)
        /* Connect to the database. */
        $res = $this->_connect();
        if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error')) {
            return $res;

        /* Encrypt the password. */
        $new_password = $this->encryptPassword($new_password,

        /* Build the SQL query. */
        $sql = 'UPDATE pm_users
                SET    password = ?
                WHERE  id = ?';
        $values = array($new_password, $user);
        Horde::logMessage('SQL Query by Passwd_Driver_sql::_modify(): ' .
$sql, __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);

        /* Execute the query. */
        $result = $this->_db->query($sql, $values);

        if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
            return $result;

        return true;

     * Change the user's password.
     * @param string $username      The user for which to change the
     * @param string $old_password  The old (current) user password.
     * @param string $new_password  The new user password to set.
     * @return boolean  True or false based on success of the change.
    function changePassword($username,  $old_password, $new_password)
        /* Check the current password. */
        $res = $this->_lookup($username, $old_password);
        if (is_a($res, 'PEAR_Error'))  {
            return $res;

        return $this->_modify($res, $new_password);

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