[sork] Patch for qmail driver
Dmitriy MiksIr
miksir at maker.ru
Tue Apr 18 05:22:03 PDT 2006
I write a little patch for qmail driver.
First, patch conf.xml for new two options.
Option "Type of FTP login" set type of login on FTP server for users
with user at domain usernames; in "normal" state FTP login = horde login
before @; in "full" state use for FTP login full horde auth (user at domain).
Option "Path for local copy delivery" set path, which will be placed in
.qmail for local copy delivery. Default (hardcoded in current version)
is ./Maildir/; two reason for change this: first, mailboxes can be in
mbox type, and second - it can be useful for qmailadmin compatibility
(qmailadmin set full path to maildir - /usr/local/vpopmail/... - and
check this path for display current options; if we're set path same as
qmailadmin set, both can work together).
Also, patch qmail.php driver. Added support of multiple forwards
(comma-separated list). Added isKeepLocal method.
Path for 3.0 final version.
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