[sork] about Horde vacation with LDAP

Christian Affolter caffolter at purplehaze.ch
Mon Sep 4 06:00:57 PDT 2006

Hi Bruce,

I'm going to reply to the sork mailing list for this one, I hope you
don't mind... Please keep replying via the list, as it could be useful 
to other people as well (as it was to you ;))

> I am Bruce. I am working the vaction function with LDAP in Horde, but
> it still can't work.
> I am looking for the solution, and read some message from lists.
Actually, "the solution" doesn't exists, it really depends on your MTA,
LDAP DIT/schema setup.

> I would like to know how you did it sucessfully, would you please
> teach me how to do ?
> Thank you in advance.
> MTA: postfix
> vacation program: gnarwl
> Horde: 3.1.3
> Vacation: 3.0
> openldap: 2.2.13-4
As I don't know what exactly your problem is, here are some general
advices/steps which are hopefully useful to you:

First, define a postfix transport map for your specific internal
autoreply domain.
For example /etc/postfix/transport:
autoreply.example.com    gnarwl:

create the database:
postmap hash:transport # this should create the transport.db file

Add the transport to the postfix main.cf:
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport

Add a new service to /etc/postfix/master.cf:
# gnarwl autoresponder
gnarwl    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
   flags=F  user=gnarwl argv=/usr/bin/gnarwl -a $user

Add a vacation alias map (ldap-virtual_alias_maps-vacation.cf):
server_host = ldap://ldap.example.com
version = 3
server_port = 389
search_base = ou=mail,...
query_filter =
result_attribute = mail
result_filter = %s,%s at autoreply.example.com
bind = no

Of course, the above needs to reflect your ldap environment...

Append the alias map to main.cf (make sure it's the first map):
virtual_alias_maps =

after those changes, reload postfix:
postfix reload

Extend your ldap with the vacation schema and setup a test account,
example ldif:
dn:mail=vacationtest at example.com,...
objectClass: top
objectClass: Vacation
mail: vacationtest at example.com
accountActive: TRUE
[... other mail specific attributes ...]
vacationActive: TRUE
vacationInfo:: [vacation message has to be utf-8 encoded and also base64
if necessary]

After loading the above ldif, test your postfix alias vacation lookup map:

postmap -v -q vacationtest at example.com

This should return the following if the vacation has been enabled,
otherwise nothing.
vacationtest at example.com,vacationtest at example.com@autoreply.example.com

If this works so far, configure gnawrl to suit your needs (only the ldap
part and the header config is included):

edit gnarwl.cfg and change the following lines:
server ldap.example.com
protocol 3
base ou=mail...
mta /usr/sbin/sendmail $sender
forceheader /var/lib/gnarwl/header-utf8.txt
loglevel 3

Create the file /var/lib/gnarwl/header-utf8.txt and add the content
shown below:
From: $fullname <$recepient>
To: $sender
X-mailer: GNARWL
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Subject: Re: $subject

Finally you will have to configure the sork vacation app with the ldap
driver. This should be an easy task now ;)
Remember, that you have to configure/specify the vacation related


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