[sork] Vacation not sending autoresponses

Gustavo Verduzco verduzco at ticonet.com
Wed Mar 21 06:48:50 UTC 2007

Hi, I have a Horde/Imp/Vacation setup running on Ubuntu Edgy and everything
seems to be working fine with it until it is supposed to mail the autoresponse
back to the original sender. I can set up the vacation message and everything
else, the files get created on the home dir of the recipient, in the mail logs I
get verification that the message is delivered to the vacation executable
running on /usr/bin/ with the correct login attribute but the mail never gets to
the sender. Is there any tweaking that needs to be done on the vacation
application itself or maybe on the config? I even tried the permissions
suggestion on the faq, but the problem remains.

I am using latest stable releases of horde, imp and vacation.

Thanks in advance!

Gustavo Verduzco

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