[sork] sorry--resend--"conf.php" for "Forwards H3 (3.0.1)" with Custom SQL basedforwarding driver??

Winnie lammywinnie at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 08:57:34 UTC 2007

Dear all,

I don't knwo how to do some items from server configuration in Forwards...I
choose the choice "Horde defaults" in term of "Driver configuration"...

       Driver configuration  Horde defaults Custom parameters
      This driver allows for custom SQL queries into which variables will be
substituted. The current FULL username will be provided as \U, target
address will be provided as \T, the given password will be provided as \P,
and the option to keep a local copy of forwarded addresses will be a "Y" or
"N" value provided as \L. If the query to check the forwarding status
returns no rows, it will be assumed that forwarding is not enabled.

       Query to retrieve forwarding status
       Query to set forwarding address
       Query to disable forwarding
       Column specifying the target forwarding address
       Column telling us if we are keeping a local copy

1) What should I fill in those items of "Query"???
2) For the "Column" of forwarding address and keeping-local-copy, do I need
to add 2 new columns in database "Horde"??? If so, which table I choose to
add this 2 new columns in database "Horde"???
Now I  find that there are 11 tables in "Horde" database as following...
MySQL database with table :

horde (11)

  a..  horde_datatree
  b..  horde_datatree_attributes
  c..  horde_datatree_seq
  d..  horde_histories
  e..  horde_histories_seq
  f..  horde_prefs
  g..  horde_sessionhandler
  h..  horde_tokens
  i..  horde_users
  j..  horde_vfs
  k..  turba_objects
thx a lot...

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