[sork] [vacation] Status-Message not updated

Hanns Mattes hanns at hannsmattes.de
Fri Feb 22 21:35:51 UTC 2008

Hei, Jan,

Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> schrieb:

>Zitat von Hanns Mattes <hanns at hannsmattes.de>:
>[vacation status message not updating]
>Vacation cannot determine the current status. See isEnabled() in  

Ok. It wasn't working with the attribute I've used (vacationActive, which is
booleanMatch and therefore just accepting "TRUE" or "FALSE"), but I can
use other attributes, to get the desired functionality.

Thank you for the hint.

Nonetheless I'd like to know what needs to be changed in order to use
a booleanMatch-attribute. Afaics it's not sufficient to change the
corresponding values in ldap.php. Not being a (php)programmer at all I'm
not sure, which other changes would be necessary.

TIA and Gruesse aus Hessen

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