[sork] Forwards and customSQL

horde at corwyn.net horde at corwyn.net
Wed Oct 8 17:48:54 UTC 2008

At 01:02 PM 10/8/2008, Jan Schneider wrote:
>>Note that there's an extra set of single quotes.
>There are extra quotes because you specified them in the queries.
>Don't do that.

If you look at the queries below from conf.php I didn't have quotes. 
HOWEVER, I think I was caught by the same thing as below - needing to 
log out and back in again.

>>but I don't understand why it's failing to pull the correct value
>>from the conf.php file.
>You didn't logout after changing the configuration.

That looks like it; thanks!  I'm back to running the 'released' code 
which is much better!

And now I know that for future troubleshooting!


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