[sork] PostfixAdmin and Vacation

horde at corwyn.net horde at corwyn.net
Wed Oct 8 19:00:17 UTC 2008

Apologies, I'm not a CVS user. I have attached the changes I made to 
Driver.php and sql.php

The changes to Driver.php were to include the cases of vacation 
status being stored as "0" or "1" (as they are in phpadmin).

The changes in sql.php are primarily to add the "domain" field, also 
set by phpadmin (mostly because hacking the SQL was within my skills, 
modifying for custom wasn't"

I hope that's helpful. If you have submitted changes that accomodate 
those additional requirements, I'll be willing to replace my modified 
ones with checked in code (makes upgrading so much easier).


At 12:52 PM 10/8/2008, you wrote:
>Zitat von horde at corwyn.net:
>>I'm currently running Postfix/Dovecot with PostfixAdmin managing the
>>database. I'm trying to get Horde working on top, and it would be
>>great if I could get the users to be able to set their vacation
>>preferences inside of Horde.
>>I'm trying to get Vacation running with the mysql data from
>>postfixadmin. The problem I'm bumping into is that Vacation wants to
>>know the fields, but to really get the data to line up with Vacation
>>I need to be able to submit things as SQL queries (much like the
>>Authentication options in Horde itself) to provide the flex I need.
>Coincidentally I committed a custom sql query driver to CVS today.
>Check that out, feedback is welcome.
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-------------- next part --------------
 * Vacation_Driver:: defines an API for implementing vacation backends for the
 * vacation module.
 * $Horde: vacation/lib/Driver.php,v 2007/01/02 13:55:21 jan Exp $
 * Copyright 2001-2007 Eric Rostetter and Mike Cochrane
 * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (BSD). If you
 * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/bsdl.php.
 * @author  Mike Cochrane <mike at graftonhall.co.nz>
 * @author  Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>
 * @package Vacation
class Vacation_Driver {

     * Hash containing configuration data.
     * @var array
    var $_params;

     * Error string returned to user if an eror occurs.
     * @var string
    var $err_str;

     * Constructor.
     * @param array $params  Configuration parameters for the backend.
    function Vacation_Driver($params = array())
        $this->_params = $params;

     * Return a parameter value.
     * @param string $param  The parameter to check in.
     * @param string $realm  The realm to retrieve the parameter from.
     * @return mixed  The parameter value, or null if not found.
    function getParam($param, $realm = 'default')
        return isset($this->_params[$realm][$param]) ? $this->_params[$realm][$param] : null;

     * Setup vacation notices for a user.
     * @param string $user     The username to enable vacation notices for.
     * @param string $realm    The realm of the user.
     * @param string $pass     The password for the user.
     * @param string $message  The text of the vacation notice.
     * @param string $alias    Alias email address -- Not yet implemented in
     *                         backends.
     * @return boolean  Returns true on success, false on error.
    function setVacation($user, $realm = 'default', $pass = '',
                         $message, $alias = '')
        return false;

     * Disables vacation notices for a user.
     * @param string $user   The user to disable vacation notices for.
     * @param string $realm  The realm of the user.
     * @param string $pass   The password of the user.
     * @return boolean  Returns true on success, false on error.
    function unsetVacation($user, $realm = 'default', $pass = '')
        return false;

     * Retrieves status of vacation for a user.
     * @param string $user   The username of the user to check.
     * @param string $realm  The realm of the user to check.
     * @return boolean  Returns true if vacation is enabled for the user
     *                  or false if vacation is currently disabled.
    function isEnabled($user, $realm, $password)
        // Get current details.
        $current_details = $this->_getUserDetails($user, $realm, $password);
        if ($current_details === false) {
            return false;

        // Check vacation flag.
        if ($current_details['vacation'] == 'y' ||
            $current_details['vacation'] == 'Y' ||
            $current_details['vacation'] == '1') {
            return 'Y';
        } elseif ($current_details['vacation'] == 'n' ||
                  $current_details['vacation'] == 'N' ||
                  $current_details['vacation'] == '0') {
            return 'N';
        } else {
            return false;

     * Retrieves current vacation message.
     * @param string $user   The username of the user.
     * @param string $realm  The realm of the user.
     * @return string  The current vacation message, or false if none.
    function currentMessage($user, $realm, $password)
        $current_details = $this->_getUserDetails($user, $realm, $password);

        // Check current vacation message.
        return $current_details['message'];

     * Retrieve the current vacation details for the user.
     * @param string $user      The username for which to retrieve details.
     * @param string $realm     The realm (domain) for the user.
     * @param string $password  The password for user.
     * @return  mixed        Vacation details or false.
    function _getUserDetails($user, $realm, $password)
        return false;

     * Format a password using the current encryption.
     * @param string $plaintext  The plaintext password to encrypt.
     * @return string  The crypted password.
    function encryptPassword($plaintext)
        return Auth::getCryptedPassword($plaintext,

     * Parse an email address list and return it in a known standard form.
     * This will attempt to add the domain (realm) to unqualified addresses
     * if the realm is non-blank and not 'default'.
     * @param string $user   The email address.
     * @param string $realm  The domain/realm to add if none is present.
     * @return string  The email address(es) on success, false on error.
    function _makeEmailAddress($user, $realm)
        $domain = ($realm != 'default') ? $realm : '';
        $email = '';

        if ($this->getParam('norealm', $realm)) {
            $domain = '';

        require_once 'Mail/RFC822.php';
        $parser = &new Mail_RFC822();
        $parsed_email = $parser->parseAddressList($user, $domain, false, false);
        if (is_array($parsed_email) && count($parsed_email) > 0) {
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($parsed_email); $i++) {
               $email .= !empty($email) ? ',' : '';
               if (is_object($parsed_email[$i])) {
                 $email .= $parsed_email[$i]->mailbox;
                 $email .= !empty($parsed_email[$i]->host)
                        ? '@' . $parsed_email[$i]->host
                        : '';
              } else {
                 $email .= $parsed_email[$i];
        } else {
            $this->err_str = _("Can't parse your email address");
            $email = false;

        return $email;

     * Attempts to return a concrete Vacation_Driver instance based on $driver.
     * @param string    $driver    The type of concrete Vacation_Driver subclass
     *                             to return.  The is based on the vacation
     *                             driver ($driver).  The code is dynamically
     *                             included.
     * @param array     $params    A hash containing any additional
     *                             configuration or connection parameters a
     *                             subclass might need.
     * @return mixed    The newly created concrete Vacation_Driver instance, or
     *                  false on an error.
    function &factory($driver = null, $params = null)
        if (is_null($driver)) {
            $driver = $GLOBALS['conf']['server']['driver'];

        $driver = basename($driver);

        if (is_null($params)) {
            $params = Horde::getDriverConfig('server', $driver);

        require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Driver/' . $driver . '.php';
        $class = 'Vacation_Driver_' . $driver;
        if (class_exists($class)) {
            $vacation = &new $class($params);
        } else {
            $vacation = false;

        return $vacation;

     * Attempts to return a reference to a concrete Vacation_Driver instance
     * based on $driver.  It will only create a new instance if no
     * Vacation_Driver instance with the same parameters currently exists.
     * This should be used if multiple storage sources are required.
     * This method must be invoked as: $var = &Vacation_Driver::singleton()
     * @param string    $driver    The type of concrete Vacation_Driver subclass
     *                             to return.  The is based on the vacation
     *                             driver ($driver).  The code is dynamically
     *                             included.
     * @param array     $params    A hash containing any additional
     *                             configuration or connection parameters a
     *                             subclass might need.
     * @return mixed    The created concrete Vacation_Driver instance, or false
     *                  on error.
    function &singleton($driver = null, $params = null)
        static $instances;

        if (is_null($driver)) {
            $driver = $GLOBALS['conf']['server']['driver'];

        if (is_null($params)) {
            $params = Horde::getDriverConfig('server', $driver);

        if (!isset($instances)) {
            $instances = array();

        $signature = serialize(array($driver, $params));
        if (!isset($instances[$signature])) {
            $instances[$signature] = &Vacation_Driver::factory($driver, $params);

        return $instances[$signature];

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