[sork] Configuration problem with sork

Eric Jon Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Mon Aug 31 17:57:18 UTC 2009

Quoting michel at casa.co.cu:

> I am interested in achieving the same goal, that my users can change  
> their passwords in the Windows Active Directory, I think it is more
>     'password policy' => array(
>         'minLength' => 3,
>         'maxLength' => 6

Make sure your AD will accept password which are only 3-6 characters longer
(maybe its policy is to require >6 characters?)

>     ),
>     'driver' => 'ldap',
>     'params' => array(
>         'host' => 'ldap.home.com',
>         'port' => 389,

Add sslhost, since most AD implementations require SSL connections.

> I tried changing the port for "636" , using directive "sslhost".  
> using ldapsearch for test my settings to get dn from active  
> directory and work fine.

Add sslhost, but leave port as is, and test...

> suggestions?

Only above, but I'm hoping others will chime in with more...

> Michel

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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