[sork] Vacation and Forwards Configuration

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue May 4 10:35:53 UTC 2010

Zitat von Simon Brereton <simon.brereton at dada.net>:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: sork-bounces at lists.horde.org [mailto:sork-
>> bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Jan Schneider
>> Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 11:42 AM
>> conf.php I
>> > have:
>> >
>> > $conf[server][params][query_select]	SELECT ImpForward  FROM
>> > MailAccounts WHERE  Username = \U;
>> > $conf[server][params][query_set]		UPDATE MailAccounts SET
>> ImpForward
>> > = 1 WHERE Username  = \U;  UPDATE MailAccounts SET ForwardAdd = \T
>> > WHERE  Username  = \U;
>> > $conf[server][params][query_disable]	UPDATE MailAccounts SET
>> > ImpForward = 0 WHERE Username = \U; UPDATE MailAccounts SET
>> ForwardAdd
>> > = \U; $conf[server][params][column_target]
>> > $conf[server][params][column_keeplocal]
>> >
>> > I don't know what to use for the last two and there's nothing in
>> the
>> > horde db (which is what I assumed they were referencing).  I don't
>> > mind adding these to my MailAccounts Table, but that will alter the
>> > next question I have:
>> They reference column names from the query_select query.
>> > The first query seems to work, but Forwards reports forwarding as
>> on
>> > when the ImpForward is empty of equal to 0.  I would expect it to
>> > report forwarding on when ImpForward is set to 1 - no?
>> Where do you actually store the forwarding target? The most important
>> bit is missing in all your queries.
> If by target you mean the address to forward to - that's the  
> ForwardAdd column.
> If you target you mean the location of the .forward file, then  
> that's something I haven't gotten to yet.
>> > The second and third only work when if I use one statement - so
>> either
>> > it updates the ImpForward column with the status, or changes the
>> > ForwardAdd column with the status, but now both.  Please can you
>> tell
>> > me how I can do this - or if I'm doing something stupid here?
>> Why don't you set them in a single query? Only single queries are
>> allowed in the configuration.
>> > My assumption is that
>> >
>> > Query-select should ask if forwarding is on or off and populate the
>> > field with the forward_to address (if any).
>> Yes, if there was a target in your table at all.
> Jan - I don't quite understand how there can only be one query.   
> Could you give an example of how you have this query as a guide?

I would suggest that you take a look at the postfixadmin driver, which  
is actually a simple extension of the customsql driver. You can see  
there how to set the parameters for a certain setup.


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