[sork] vacation error msg

Antonio Manogué amanogue at sabeco.es
Wed Jul 7 07:50:20 UTC 2010


I'm having problems with the vacation autorresponse. 

It seems to work fine, it creates the .forward, .vacation.db ...  in user's home but it returns some error in the response mail and doesn't returns de vacation.msg


The original message was received at Wed, 7 Jul 2010 09:06:42 +0200
from [x.x.x.214]

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
"|/usr/bin/vacation recuperar"
    (reason: Data format error)
    (expanded from: recuperar at xxxxx.es)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
501 5.6.0 Data format error


I tried to make the changes shown in the faq 
but then, when I try to activate the vacation msg in the user's frontend I get an PHP error


Notice: Undefined variable: _vfs in /var/www/horde/vacation/lib/Driver/forwards.php on line 146

Fatal error: Call to a member function changePermissions() on a non-object in /var/www/horde/vacation/lib/Driver/forwards.php on line 146


I'm using FTP driver for .forward and empty file database. 

Does anyone know what's happening here? 



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