[sork] Sork Passwd errors

Chris cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Sun Sep 12 03:24:00 UTC 2010


I'm having a problem with sork passwd.  I'm using Debian lenny, horde  
3.2.2 and passwd 3.0.

Every time I try to change my password I get these errors at the top  
of the page:

I need to use the expect backend.  When I click "Change Password", I  
get the following at the top of the page:

Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in  
/usr/share/horde3/passwd/lib/Driver.php on line 110

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by  
(output started at /usr/share/horde3/passwd/lib/Driver.php:110) in  
/etc/horde/passwd3/templates/common-header.inc on line 4

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by  
(output started at /usr/share/horde3/passwd/lib/Driver.php:110) in  
/etc/horde/passwd3/templates/common-header.inc on line 5

It says the password change was successful ("Password changed on  
Example Expect Script."), but it really is not (still same password as  
it was prior).

I don't see any output in the logs in /var/log, and AFAIK, there are  
no issues with the expect script (though I am no expert on this...).

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

expect script (this is stock with debian):
set host "localhost"
set login "ssh"
set program "passwd"
set prompt_string "(%|\\\$|>)"
set fingerprint_string "The authenticity of host.* can't be  
established.*\nRSA key fingerprint is.*\nAre you sure you want to  
continue connecting.*"
set password_string "(P|p)assword.*"
set oldpassword_string "((O|o)ld|login|\\\(current\\\) UNIX) (P|p)assword.*"
set newpassword_string "(N|n)ew.* (P|p)assword.*"
set badpassword_string "(passwd|Bad:).*\r"
set verify_string "((R|r)e-*enter.*(P|p)assword|Retype new( UNIX)?  
set success_string "((P|p)assword.* changed|successfully)"
set login_string "(((L|l)ogin|(U|u)sername).*)"
set timeout 20
set log "/tmp/passwd.out"
set output false
set output_file "/tmp/passwd.log"

gets stdin user
gets stdin password(old)
gets stdin password(new)

log_user 0

for {set i 0} {$i<$argc} {incr i} {
     set arg [lindex $argv $i]
     switch -- $arg "-prompt" {
         incr i
         set prompt_string [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-password" {
         incr i
         set password_string [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-oldpassword" {
         incr i
         set oldpassword_string [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-newpassword" {
         incr i
         set newpassword_string [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-verify" {
         incr i
         set verify_string [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-success" {
         incr i
         set success_string [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-login" {
         incr i
         set login_string [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-host" {
         incr i
         set host [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-timeout" {
         incr i
         set timeout [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-log" {
         incr i
         set log [lindex $argv $i]
     } "-output" {
         incr i
         set output_file [lindex $argv $i]
         set output true
     } "-telnet" {
         set login "telnet"
     } "-ssh" {
         set login "ssh"
     } "-rlogin" {
         set login "rlogin"
     } "-slogin" {
         set login "slogin"
     } "-program" {
         incr i
         set program [lindex $argv $i]

if {$output} {
    log_file $output_file

set err [open $log "w" "0600"]

if {[string match $login "rlogin"]} {
    set pid [spawn rlogin $host -l $user]
} elseif {[string match $login "slogin"]} {
    set pid [spawn slogin $host -l $user]
} elseif {[string match $login "ssh"]} {
    set pid [spawn ssh $host -l $user]
} elseif {[string match $login "telnet"]} {
    set pid [spawn telnet $host]
    expect -re $login_string {
      sleep .5
      send "$user\r"
} else {
    puts $err "Invalid login mode: valid modes: rlogin, slogin, ssh, telnet\n"
    close $err
    exit 1

expect {
   -re $fingerprint_string {sleep .5
                            send yes\r}
   -re $password_string    {sleep .5
                            send $password(old)\r}
   timeout                 {puts $err "Could not login to system (no  
password prompt)\n"
                            close $err
                            exit 1}

set old_password_notentered true
expect {
   -re $prompt_string      {sleep .5
                            send $program\r}
   # The following is for when passwd is the login shell
   -re $oldpassword_string {sleep .5
                            send $password(old)\r
                            set old_password_notentered false}
   timeout                 {puts $err  "Could not login to system (bad  
old password?)\n"
                            close $err
                            exit 1}

if {$old_password_notentered} {
   expect {
     -re $oldpassword_string {sleep .5
                              send $password(old)\r}
     timeout                 {puts $err "Could not start passwd  
program (no old password prompt)\n"
                              close $err
                              exit 1}

expect {
   -re $newpassword_string {sleep .5
                            send $password(new)\r}
   timeout                 {puts "Could not change password (bad old  
                            close $err
                            exit 1}

expect {
   -re $badpassword_string {puts $err "$expect_out(0,string)"
                            close $err
                            send \003
                            sleep .5
                            exit 1}
   -re $verify_string      {sleep .5
                            send $password(new)\r}
   timeout                 {puts $err "New password not valid (too  
short, bad password, too similar, ...)\n"
                            close $err
                            send \003
                            sleep .5
                            exit 1}

expect {
   -re $success_string {sleep .5
                        send exit\r}
   -re $badpassword_string {puts $err "$expect_out(0,string)"
                            close $err
                            exit 1}
   timeout             {puts $err "Could not change password.\n"
                        close $err
                        exit 1}

expect {
   eof {close $err
        exit 0}
close $err


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