[sork] Forwards Block

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Sep 22 11:52:46 UTC 2010

Zitat von Chris <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Chris <cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com>:
>>> Hello again,
>>> I am getting strange output on my "Forwards: Forwards Summary"    
>>> portal block.  It is currently saying: "Forward is active, unable   
>>> to  retrieve additional details."
>>> It says this no matter what the forwarding state is, i.e. whether   
>>>  there is a .forward file in the homedir or not.
>>> I'm running all my horde packages now as the most current, on a    
>>> Debian Lenny system that is likewise current as of today.
>> Does it work in the main interface?
>> Jan.
> Hi Jan,
> It works as it should in all other respects.  It is just the portal  
> block that is freaking out.



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