[sork] Forwards Block

Chris cjdl01 at brokensolstice.com
Fri Sep 24 17:06:09 UTC 2010

>> Jan.
>> Hi Jan,
>> Sorry, but it seems the link above takes you to a page with a bad    
>> link.  When I click it,
>> I get:
>> File Not Found: /horde/cvs/diff.php/forwards/lib/Block/Attic/summary.php,v
>> The page gone, or is that a type-o?
> Neither, it's some broken rewrite rule.
> Jan.

Okay... so... what do I do?  I was assuming that this was a patch, or  
a new php file altogether.  I'm really, really close to going live  
here, these forwards and vacation issues are the only things left...



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