[swoosh] Getting started

Marko Djukic mdjukic at horde.org
Wed Jan 7 07:39:52 PST 2004

Quoting "Peter K. Botcherby" <Peter.Botcherby at genetics.kcl.ac.uk>:

> Marko - many thanks for looking at this - however I grabbed the swoosh CVS
> this
> morning and still find exactly the same problems.  I have not updated the
> rest

check that you're updating good. the changes are in cvs:

> of my Horde CVS since just before Christmas - is this likely to be causing a
> problem?

no, i just tweaked a few things in swoosh.

> I have searched through the whole directory hierarchy and cannot
> find forms.php anywhere.

it isn't in swoosh. it was a typo.



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