[swoosh] Erros when swoosh try to insert in SQL DB after sending

Markus Hackethal mh at serverlabor.net
Tue Apr 13 03:32:40 PDT 2004

Hi list ,
i browsed through my horde log and find
the following erros for swoosh maybe this 
has something to do with the errors i pasted

[swoosh] DB Error: constraint violation: INSERT INTO swoosh_messages (message_id, gateway_id, message_batch_id, message_text, message_params, message_submitted) VALUES (15, 1, NULL, 'another test message send through swoosh.', NULL, 1081851986) [nativecode=1048 ** Feld 'message_params' kann nicht NULL sein.] [on line 176 of "/var/www/horde/swoosh/lib/Storage/sql.php"]
( Field 'message_params' couldnt be NULL )

[swoosh] DB Error: no such field: INSERT INTO swoosh_sends (send_id, message_id, send_remote_id, send_recipient, send_error) VALUES (16, Object, ' b4c786e47ad2034edc139dd2b91b439b', '0172XXXXXXX', NULL) [nativecode=1054 ** Unbekanntes Tabellenfeld 'Object' in field list.] [on line 209 of "/var/www/horde/swoosh/lib/Storage/sql.php"]						  (Unknown       Tablefield    'object' in field list.)

I created the mysql tables with the script inside of swoosh.
I think the second error occurs of the fist one cause the message couldnt be stored inside the mysql database.
I looked the structure int the Database and message_params require not to be NULL?
Is there any reason why not "NULL" is required?

I replaced my mobil number through some "X" :) 

Friendly regards, 

Markus Hackethal 

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