[sync] Here is a link to WBXML files

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Nov 25 20:12:40 PST 2003

Quoting Anthony Mills <amills at gascard.net>:

> http://pyramid6.com/horde_sync/


I've cleaned this up a bit (I don't think I caught all of the java-isms
remaining, though), reorganized it to fit the way we generally structure code,
and committed it into an XML_WBXML package (see

You should probably take a look over horde/docs/CODING_STANDARDS for future
work, and also look at what I changed in your code for a couple of PHP
object-oriented coding things to pick up (mostly missing $this references).

Thanks again,

Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"I'm really... I'm not too fascinated by green food." - Average Joe

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