[sync] SyncML with Nokia 6230 - logs

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Tue Jul 13 13:19:36 PDT 2004

Hi Christian,

 > The does _not_ send the cred details in the first packet.
 > It only sends
 > the cred details if the server wants auth-basic.
 > So it seems to be some kind of "guest" login which it tries first.

I'll defintely need to rewrite the authentification section...

 > Jul 13 19:51:29 HORDE [warning] [horde] SyncML: unable to create
 > change
 > for Die Methode listBy ist in der API für nag nicht definiert.: locid

current configuration is: when syncing events, sync tasks as well. As 
this is how my phone does it. Change the function 
handleTasksInCalendar() to return false in state.php to turn this off if 
- you don't have NAG (horde taskslist) installed or
- don't want to sync tasks or
- for your phones tasks are totally different from events.

 > Jul 13 19:51:29 HORDE [warning] [horde] SyncML: unable to create
 > change
 > for 1: locid not found in map [on line 67 of
 > "/usr/share/php/Horde/SyncML/Sync/TwoWay
 > Sync.php"]

Not too much of an issue: while syncing SyncML asks the horde history of 
your kronolith installation for changes: what entries have changed since 
the last sync?
For each of these it tries to send a "replace" command to the client. 
But therefore it needs the URI/primary key of the entry as it is used by 
the _client_. This information is sent from the client to the server in 
the last step of a previous sync session. So if you had problems with 
previous syncs, this is likely to cause problems. But it's a warning and 
shouldn't cause severe problems while syncinc. But for testing it's best 
to create new entries on each test run rather than edit existing ones.

two things that could be the reason for your crashes:

1) the missing nag causes PHP errors dumped to the output into the 
middle of XML, confusing your phone. Try adding s.th. like

error_log = /tmp/phperrors.log
to your php.ini and see whether any php errors/notices occur.

2) your phone doesn't like the VCARD output from horde.
Try outcommenting some of the more obscure looking attributes from
   kronolith/lib/Driver.php tovEvent(&$calendar, $identity)

like the ORGANIZER line. So you can step by step remove lines from

 > VERSION:2.0
 > PRODID:-//Horde.org//Kronolith Generated
 > DTSTAMP:20040713T193046
 > SUMMARY:testtermin
 > DTSTART:20040714T100000Z
 > DTEND:20040714T110000Z
 > LOCATION:sfsdfsdfsdf
 > ORGANIZER;CN=Christian Cier-Zniewski:MAILTO:c.cier at gmx.de

until your phone likes what it gets served by horde.
Comparing the format sent by horde with the one your phone sends for its 
own entries might help as well.

If you need to modify/remove the PRODID,METHOD or VERSION lines: they 
are from kronolith/lib/api.php


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