[sync] Sync4j and Horde

Daniel Vandal dvandal at infoteck.qc.ca
Fri Oct 22 06:45:15 PDT 2004


I already tryed to use Sync4j client without success, and yes, sync4j 
doesn't like the empty xmlns="" tag. I had already found where to remove 
the empty xmlns="" of the syncml responce, but I doesn't remember where. 
I know that this fix the SyncBody not found problem. But after I got 
others problems that I decided to switch to the Synthesis SyncML client 
( http://www.synthesis.ch/ ).

I will try to take a look on it during the next week.

Daniel Vandal
dvandal at infoteck.qc.ca

Oliver Kuhl a écrit :

> Hi,
> Karsten Fourmont wrote:
>> 1) currently Horde SyncML doesn't do "auth-clear" authentification. 
>> This should
>> be easy to fix:
>> replace line 250 of framework/SyncML/SyncML.php
>> $this->_credData = base64_decode($this->_credData);
>> with s.th. like the following:
>> if ($this->_credType == 'syncml:auth-basic') {
>>    $this->_credData = base64_decode($this->_credData);
>> }
>> After that you should get logging info with locName=okuhl in your 
>> horde debug
>> log rather than the current "locName=¢K¡-·°ŠZ"
> this worked as expected, thanks! Now the right username is written to 
> horde.log.
>> 2) But I think the real issue is that Sync4J doesn't like the empty 
>> xmlns tags
>> in
>> <SyncML xmlns="">
>> and especially
>> <SyncBody xmlns="">
>> of the Horde response.
>> Current implementation of the whole XML generation is rather messy (a 
>> complete
>> rewrite of that stuff is really in order).
>> My guess is that insertion of
>>         $uri = $state->getURI();
>> before line 426 of framework/SyncML/SyncML.php (right before the 
>> startElement()
>> call) should help here.
> This did not work. This seems to be a deeper problem.
> Stefano, maybe you could give us a hint what Sync4j expects in the 
> header. If you didn't read the last messages, here is the most 
> important including my debug-output:
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.horde.sync/386
>> P.S.
>> There are no linefeeds in the output as it is created by the general 
>> purpose
>> "ContentHandler.php" in xml_wbxml. It doesn't beautify the code as it 
>> may be
>> used to produce XML where newlines have a semantic meaning. You may use
>> Mozilla/Firefox to display .xml files in a pretty printed form.
> I'll try to fix that for me. ;-)
>> P.P.S
>> As of Friday, I'm on vacation. So we better get this running quickly ;-)
> Ouups! Too late. Then have a nice time. I will see what I can do...
> Gruss,
>   Ollie.

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