[sync] Still can not sync

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Sun Jan 2 04:50:48 PST 2005


 > Jan 02 11:13:33 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: Anchor mismatch,
 > enforcing  SlowSync [on line 104 of

if you get this far, WBXML encoding seems to work.
I think that we produce xml code that the Synthesis client doesn't like.
Can you post the last  syncml_server_x.xml file from /tmp/sync?
(The directory must exist and be writable by the webserver for this 
logging to work).


Robert Carnecky wrote:
> OK, I replaced the buggy Encoder.php with the latest file from CVS (see 
> my another thread), but syncing still does not work. I set logging to 
> PEAR_LOG_DEBUG level and that is, what I see in my horde log :
> Jan 02 11:13:33 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: Anchor mismatch, enforcing 
> SlowSync [on line 104 of 
> "/big/httpd/htdocs/horde/lib/Horde/SyncML/Command/Alert.php"]
> I am usig Palm Clie TH-55 with Synthesis SyncML (www.synthesis.ch) as 
> client, the connection is running over built-in WLAN. Unfortunately 
> there is no client side logging, SyncML answers only 'Invalid Data'. 
> Because I am living Switzerland and Synthesis is the Swiss company, I 
> try to get more info, that could help me to debug client side too.
> Robert

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