[sync] Trying to use Outlook Sync4j conduit with Horde Apps

Mark Petersen mpetersen at daily-journal.com
Wed Mar 2 13:34:59 PST 2005

I'm trying to use Sync4j for Outlook and connect to server.com/rpc.php 
(server.com has horde in /)

I get an error message from Sync4j "Synchronization NOT complete. Try 
again..." of course I get the same results every time.

I'm running the latest RELEASE for Horde, IMP, Turba and Kronolith.  I'm 
sure maybe I should at least upgrade some components to the latest CVS?

Here is my horde log with level set to PEAR_LOG_DEBUG.  I see there is a 
read only error on imp, but I'd be happy if my contacts synced up for 
now.  Also, I tried it a couple times and everytime it says "creating 
new sync for ./contact" and similar.  I'm not sure if that should only 
happen the first time I sync or not.  I also get the forcing SlowSync 
message, but I'm not sure if that's bad per se.

I don't mind doing some debugging, but I don't really know where to 
start given what I have.

Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: $this->_locName: mpetersen 
[on line 257 of "/home/horde/public_html/lib/Horde/SyncML.php"]
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: session id = syncmlsc21 
[on line 159 of "/home/horde/public_html/lib/Horde/SyncML.php"]
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: new session state [on line 
163 of "/home/horde/public_html/lib/Horde/SyncML.php"]
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::_buildLoadQuery(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents 
FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = 'imp' AND group_uid = 
'horde.perms' ORDER BY datatree_id [on line 173 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::_load(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_name, 
datatree_parents, datatree_order FROM horde_datatree WHERE 
(datatree_parents LIKE ':122%' OR datatree_id = 122) AND group_uid = 
'horde.perms' [on line 111 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::getData(): SELECT datatree_data, datatree_serialized FROM 
horde_datatree WHERE datatree_id = 122 [on line 838 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] User  does not have READ 
permission for imp [on line 650 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
Prefs_sql::retrieve(): SELECT pref_scope, pref_name, pref_value FROM 
horde_prefs WHERE pref_uid = 'mpetersen' AND (pref_scope = 'horde' OR 
pref_scope = 'horde') ORDER BY pref_scope [on line 147 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SymcML: authorized=1 version=1 
msgid=1 source=sc2 target=http://webmail.daily-journal.com 
locName=mpetersen [on line 221 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: looking for sync for 
./contact [on line 234 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: create new sync for 
./contact 200 [on line 238 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::_buildLoadQuery(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents 
FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = 
'mpetersensc2./contactsyncSummary' AND group_uid = 'syncml' ORDER BY 
datatree_id [on line 173 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: Anchor mismatch, enforcing 
SlowSync [on line 104 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: $this->_locName: mpetersen 
[on line 257 of "/home/horde/public_html/lib/Horde/SyncML.php"]
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: session id = syncmlsc21 
[on line 159 of "/home/horde/public_html/lib/Horde/SyncML.php"]
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: new session state [on line 
163 of "/home/horde/public_html/lib/Horde/SyncML.php"]
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::_buildLoadQuery(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents 
FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = 'imp' AND group_uid = 
'horde.perms' ORDER BY datatree_id [on line 173 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::_load(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_name, 
datatree_parents, datatree_order FROM horde_datatree WHERE 
(datatree_parents LIKE ':122%' OR datatree_id = 122) AND group_uid = 
'horde.perms' [on line 111 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::getData(): SELECT datatree_data, datatree_serialized FROM 
horde_datatree WHERE datatree_id = 122 [on line 838 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] User  does not have READ 
permission for imp [on line 650 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
Prefs_sql::retrieve(): SELECT pref_scope, pref_name, pref_value FROM 
horde_prefs WHERE pref_uid = 'mpetersen' AND (pref_scope = 'horde' OR 
pref_scope = 'horde') ORDER BY pref_scope [on line 147 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SymcML: authorized=1 version=1 
msgid=1 source=sc2 target=http://webmail.daily-journal.com 
locName=mpetersen [on line 221 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: looking for sync for 
./calendar [on line 234 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: create new sync for 
./calendar 200 [on line 238 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SQL Query by 
DataTree_sql::_buildLoadQuery(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents 
FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = 
'mpetersensc2./calendarsyncSummary' AND group_uid = 'syncml' ORDER BY 
datatree_id [on line 173 of 
Mar 02 15:24:02 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: Anchor mismatch, enforcing 
SlowSync [on line 104 of 

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