[sync] Re: Trying to use Outlook Sync4j conduit with Horde Apps

Oliver Kuhl okuhl at netcologne.de
Wed Mar 2 23:48:00 PST 2005


Mark Petersen wrote:
> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>>Zitat von Mark Petersen <mpetersen at daily-journal.com>:
>>>I'm trying to use Sync4j for Outlook and connect to server.com/rpc.php
>>>(server.com has horde in /)
>>>I get an error message from Sync4j "Synchronization NOT complete. Try
>>>again..." of course I get the same results every time.
>>The SyncML server is not ready for end users yet. You're welcome to
>>help developing it and contributing patches though.
> Ok, that was my intent, but I didn't really come out and say that I guess.  I
> was posting in hopes of getting some help locating the problem initially.  The
> error log didn't really show any problems per se and so I wasn't sure where to
> begin.  I guess I was hoping for direction in what could have gone 
> wrong.  I'll
> keep working at it and post back if I get anything useful.
I tried that some month ago without success, too. In my case, the 
Outlook-Client said "SyncBody not found!". I opened a ticket for that 
problem and it was close some days ago - but I'm not really sure if the 
problem was fixed. Here is the ticket:

It would be a great benefit if the Sync4J-Client works together with 
horde. I'll try the client if I find the time, too. Maybe something changed.

The other option would be to implement a Sync4J-Client in horde and use 
the Sync4J-Server. But SyncML is not a simple toy and there is much to 
learn. So I'm afraid it's not easy to find someone to do this.


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