[sync] Fwd: Re: Syncml client v2.5

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Thu Apr 28 03:57:30 PDT 2005


> Have you had any success syncing repeating entries with a P900?

I haven't tried as I know for sure it's not properly implemented yet ;-)

It's on my list. It's part of the major "icalendar/vcard" overhaul issue.

I tried to avoid to start digging into this because it's all quite ugly: 
the new vcard 3.0 standard is properly documented but has some design 
flaws. vcard 2.1 is imho not well documented and different devices 
implement it in different ways.

But I think now's the time to tackle it: problems with icalendar/vcard 
start appearing in various places (synthesis).


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