[sync] Sync fails with T610

Emre Bastuz info at emre.de
Tue May 10 09:18:38 PDT 2005

Hello all,

I have tried to sync my Sony Ericsson T610 with my horde setup via syncml but
have failed miserably so far:
the T610 alwas gives up on synching with a message "Synchronization failed" at
about 5% of the progress bar.

My setup / configuration is as follows:

- framework-HEAD-2005-05-03.tar.gz
- horde-FRAMEWORK_3-2005-05-03.tar.gz
- Turba 2.0.2 (as installed from the FreeBSD ports collection)

My cellphone config contains all the data that is supposedly needed (username,
password, http://path.to/horde/rpc.php, db name "contacts").

It seems something *is* happening as I can see my /tmp/sync folder containing
some files:

# ls -al /tmp/sync
total 20
drwxr-xr-x   2 www   mail    512 May 10 18:01 .
drwxrwxrwt  68 root  wheel  4096 May 10 18:00 ..
-rw-------   1 www   mail      1 May 10 18:01 syncml.packetnum
-rw-------   1 www   mail   1418 May 10 18:01 syncml_client_0.wbxml
-rw-------   1 www   mail   4231 May 10 18:01 syncml_client_0.xml
-rw-------   1 www   mail      0 May 10 18:01 syncml_server_0.wbxml
-rw-------   1 www   mail     30 May 10 18:01 syncml_server_0.xml
-rw-------   1 www   mail      1 May 10 18:01 syncml_wbxml.packetnum

When I check syncml_client_0.wbxml for example, I do see some binary data -
isn´t this supposed to entirely ASCII?

Well ... my Horde Log also contains this line:
May 10 18:08:31 HORDE [error] [horde] XML error: not well-formed at line 1 [on
line 262 of "/usr/local/share/pear/Horde/RPC/syncml.php"]

Doing a Tcpdump and looking at the payload I see that my server receives some
peculiar non-ASCII data (it really does not look like XML).

Any idea?



info at emre.de              http://www.emre.de
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I don't see why some people even HAVE cars. -- Calvin

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