[sync] Palm Tungsten E2 with Synthesis.ch client

Kevin Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Wed Jun 15 06:22:09 PDT 2005

Ok, I decided I need to simplify my testing methodology and start out with one
event, one task, and one note, rather than try to sync a couple of years worth
for my account.

So just tackling notes first:

Starting out with a "reload device" sync, one note in Mnemo, no notes on Palm.
Sync completes successfully (no errors) but no note shows up on Palm. (info in

Remove note from Mnemo, add note on Palm, set Category to Business.  
Sync, note
shows up in Mnemo, but with Category Unfiled. (info in 

Delete note from Mnemo, sync.  Note does not get deleted from Palm (info in

Errors/Warnings for horde-notes-sync-delete:

Unable to create delete for
mnemo:demo_user at iu13.org:20050615090507.58klmm0qn91c at webapps-test.iu13.org:
locid not found in map


api export call for
mnemo:demo_user at iu13.org:20050615090507.58klmm0qn91c at webapps-test.iu13.org
failed:  Permission Denied


Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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