[sync] Sync using incorrect login name with IMP/IMAP

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Tue Nov 8 10:25:27 PST 2005


the syncml code only forwards the auth to Auth::authenticate, so 
everything should work exactly as when using the horde gui.

Technically what's present in the _owner field (for example in a mnemo 
note) is not the authenticated users's name but rather the default 
writeable notepad as returned by
Mnemo::getDefaultNotepad(PERMS_EDIT) which is itself a pref 

Maybe it helps to create an initial entry using the horde gui for each 
database you want to sync. What's the owner of this data then?


Blake Krone wrote:

> Adding a realm with the vhook info turned on would cause the username to be
> <username>@<domain>@<realm>
> I had tried setting up realms before in the past, not sure why I don't use
> that anymore though. I think it wasn't working for me with my one horde
> installation for multiple domains.
> On 11/8/05, Kevin M. Myer <kevin_myer at iu13.org> wrote:
>>Quoting Blake Krone <blakekrone at gmail.com>:
>>>I have my Horde setup to use IMP for logins. My IMAP server requires the
>>>user to be <username>@<domain>. I have setup all the auth to work
>>>I can login via sync4j using the latest horde cvs releases and it will
>>>however, all the entries are put into the databases as owner of
>>>instead of <username>@<domain>
>>Do you have a realm entry in imp/config/servers.php? If you don't,
>>adding one might do the trick.
>>Kevin M. Myer
>>Senior Systems Administrator
>>Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 http://www.iu13.org
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