[sync] Sync experience HP2410 with Sync4j client again.

Han Spruyt han.spruyt at ijsselgroep.nl
Sat Mar 18 06:13:41 PST 2006

>> This is correct, indeed. Until start of wintertime 2005 I have the
>> difference, in winter it's ok, after start of summertime 2006 the
>> difference is there again. Time zone on the server is correct,
>> /etc/localtime points to /europe/amsterdam. On the PDA is set GMT +1
>> (Paris,Madrid). In Horde prefs is set to 'Standard', so I expect it to
>> take the server setting...
> Probably this bug: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=2836
vevent2sif in Sync4j.php calls Horde_iCalendar::_exportDateTime() with  

This uses date('O') to calculate the time zone offset. So the time  
zone offset is for today and not for DTSTART or DTEND as far as I can  

Something similar may happen in the invitation stuff.


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