[sync] Sync experience HP2410 with Sync4j client again.

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Wed Mar 22 05:45:17 PST 2006

> But why? This doesn't make much sense to me.

some (most?) PDAs don't use a real UID in the "globally unique" sense 
but just a local key. For my P900 that's a running number.

So the syncml protocol distinguishes client keys (I call them cuids) and 
server keys (suids). It forces the server to maintain a list with a 
mapping of these two.

Of course if a PDA provides meaningful UIDs it's possible (in the 
individual device file) to override the UID stripping and use the UID 
from the server in horde.

Maybe we should turn off the default stripping and only enable it for 
devices that tend to generate non globally unique IDs.


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