[sync] Debug with Nokia

Martin Middeke martin.middeke at gewus.de
Mon Apr 17 05:00:33 PDT 2006

Chuck Hagenbuch schrieb:
> Quoting Martin Middeke <martin.middeke at gewus.de>:
>> Both cellphones won't do the job... But my last hope is the list...
> No, your last hope is hacking it. 
Ok... If i know where and what i'll do :) *hrhr*

Here is what i can find in /tmp/syncml

Shouldn't be a syncml_server...wbxml file also exist?

i also used wbxml2xml to decode the syncml_client_0.wbxml file
see attached output.xml

Can someone attach a XML/WBXML File that works? Maybe i can compare it
to mine.

What else do you/I need for debug?


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