[sync] Sync ML Category

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Sat May 27 02:10:53 PDT 2006

> I have no sync folder.
 From http://wiki.horde.org/SyncHowTo:

"For debug output create dir /tmp/sync and make it writeable by web 
server" s.th. like (as root) mkdir /tmp/sync ; chown wwwrun /tmp/sync

> I have the funambol plugin for outlook and synchronise from my pc to the 
> horde.
> The funabmbol plugin have a log, debug file. When i am at home i can 
> send an example.
That might work too. But I only need the part where the one data entry 
with the category data is sent. Not everything "somewhere in this 
haystack..." ;-)


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