[sync] Duplicates and slow sync

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon May 29 09:43:46 PDT 2006

While trying to track down why slow sync or refresh from server didn't  
work, I found some code in Backend.php that checks whether we have  
already seen events from the server on the client. The comments is:

// For slow sync (ts = 0), do not add data for which
// we have a locid again. This is a heuristic to
// avoid duplication of entries.

I understand the rationale behind it, we try to avoid duplicate events  
on the client. But doesn't this prohibit the purpose of slow syncs?  
It's supposed to *force* reloading of the device/client. Of course  
this makes development harder because we have to delete all client  
events before testing a slow sync, but the behaviour is clearly wrong  
for any other usage.
Or did I miss any valid reasons here?


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