[sync] [Fwd: Re: SonyEricsson K750i

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Sat Jul 8 08:33:49 PDT 2006

We finally had some success with the new SE phones!

Andy Wright wrote:

> these changes do seem to have improved matters - it's still not quite 
> there but it's a big step in the right direction :)
> Starting with an empty calendar database on Horde, and a single entry in 
> the phone calendar, the entry syncs successfully to Horde (hurrah!!). 

that's great news, indeed!

 > The phone still gives an "invalid server response" error but I imagine
 > this is now coming from a different, and later, part of the sync than
 > before.

I checked the packet that causes the trouble know. Discovered another 
small issue with the status. patch is in cvs know. Give it a try.



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