[sync] More on m600i

Alex Masidlover alex.masidlover at axiomtech.co.uk
Wed Sep 20 04:01:00 PDT 2006

After updating the whole of Horde to the latest CVS versions I have  
made some more progress. I found that the hacked md5 authentication  
was not setting the login information so as a temporary hack I call  
the Auth->authenticate function with the password hardcoded (!!!) I  
can then get the m600i to start syncing. However I have two problems:

Calendar - I have a lot of calendar data and the first sync is failing  
with message to large:

Sep 20 11:48:15 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: max message size reached  
cursize=9573 [on line 281 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]

Contacts - I use an LDAP backend, and obviously something is causing problems:

Sep 20 11:44:55 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: authorized=1 version=2  
msgid=2 source=IMEI:359315004197686  
target=https://seth.zednax.com/horde/rpc.php user=alex charset=UTF-8  
wbxml=1 [on line 293 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML.php"]
Sep 20 11:44:55 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: handleSync for  
syncType=contacts [on line 213 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
Sep 20 11:44:55 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: Using device class  
SyncML_Device_P800 [on line 64 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Device.php"]
Sep 20 11:44:57 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: add modifications  
retrieved. count=225 [on line 240 of  
Sep 20 11:45:00 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: add:  [on line 268 of  
Sep 20 11:45:00 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: api export call for   
failed:  Invalid ID [on line 295 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML/Sync.php"]
Sep 20 11:45:00 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: add:  
20060917145926.2q7zn60v7kxq at seth.zednax.com [on line 268 of  
Sep 20 11:45:00 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: add: lyn [on line 268 of  
Sep 20 11:45:00 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: add:  
20060917145926.3numuegetpku at seth.zednax.com [on line 268 of  
Sep 20 11:45:00 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: add:  
20060917145926.42y5m0dl2666 at seth.zednax.com [on line 268 of  
Sep 20 11:45:00 HORDE [debug] [horde] SyncML: SyncML: return message  
completed [on line 377 of "/usr/share/php/SyncML.php"]

I'm going to continue looking at the contacts problem - however I have  
no idea where to start with the calendar (short of emptying it and  
adding my events one by one followed by syncing...)


Open Source Specialist
Axiom Tech Limited
W: http://www.axiomtech.co.uk
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