[sync] More on m600i

Alex Masidlover alex.masidlover at axiomtech.co.uk
Fri Sep 29 06:03:03 PDT 2006

>>> The m600i expects calendar and tasks to come across as one
>>>> database/application
>> The device appears to be being handled as a P800 according to the log.
> Well, then it should work fine. Doesn't it?
> I haven't testet the P800 code for some time as I no longer use that
> phone. Maybe it got broken?
> Where's the problem?

What was happening is that the tasks from the server were not being  
sent to the phone when the phone requested calendar - the phone only  
allows one database name for both calendar and tasks.

I'm afraid I didn't think to check the phone sending tasks back to the  
server (sorry). Will give that a go when I get my own m600i.


Open Source Specialist
Axiom Tech Limited
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