[sync] Stripping UIDs

Karsten Fourmont fourmont at gmx.de
Wed Oct 18 02:18:57 PDT 2006

> I'm actually going to move the complete import code into the  
> applications' APIs, since SyncML is only a transportation protocol  
> and doesn't know anything about the exchanged data.

Basically I Good idea.

But unfortunately the way exports and imports have to be done depend  
on the individual device. So do we create device dependent export  
flavors (like "export to vcalendar for Synthesis/Windows Mobile")?

For example Synthesis/Windows Mobile uses PRIORITY 1-3 while  
Synthesis/Palm has something different. The standard says 1-9 and  
horde uses 1-5. Similar for all day events: some devices expect s.th.  
while others can't deal with that and expect
DTSTART: 20061017T000000

The sad truth is: youu can't do an import of an icalendar 2.0 rfc  
compliant event 100% right without knowing the device that produced  
the entry. Same for the export. 95% maybe, but not 100%

Fortunately SyncML _does_ know the device and also gets the DevInf  
information with infos whhich attributes a devices expects and  
supports. It uses this information in the device specific classes. If  
we move this to the applications api we have to ensure that no  
functionality gets lost.

> might become handy to be able to import and export SIF data without  
> using SyncML.
It might. On the other hand: The current releases of the sync4j  
connectors start supporting VCALENDAR for contacts and events. I'm not  
sure if we should put too much effort into supporting a proprietary  
format that even its creators are moving away from.
But we need it to get the outlook connector running.

Just my two cents.


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