[sync] Sync Error

Markus Braun charmed21muc at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 23 06:53:40 PDT 2006


after an update over the cvs i cant use sync anymore.

In the logfile is this error:

15:45:40:000 [DEBUG] - Connecting to domain.info:80
15:45:40:000 [DEBUG] - Requesting resource /horde/rpc.php
15:45:40:437 [DEBUG] - Message sent
15:45:40:437 [DEBUG] - Reading response...
15:45:40:437 [DEBUG] - Content-length: 8522
15:45:40:437 [DEBUG] - Response read
15:45:40:437 [DEBUG] -
15:45:40:437 [ERROR] - Server Failure: server returned error code -1
15:45:40:437 [ERROR] - Error in syncing: Server Failure: server returned 
error code -1
15:45:40:453 [INFO] - Contacts sync completed with errors
15:45:40:468 [DEBUG] - Enter restoreSlowSyncBackup method
15:45:40:484 [DEBUG] - Exit restoreSlowSyncBackup method
15:45:40:500 [INFO] - Logged off from Outlook

So can somebody tell me what is happen?


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