[sync] Trouble with Syncml (HEAD)

Jan Kuipers jrkuipers at lauwerscollege.nl
Tue Feb 6 00:19:57 PST 2007

Regarding HEAD branch:


I'm having trouble with the HEAD Syncml. When I try to perform a  
normal sync the server does a (random/partial?) slow sync which result  
in a lot of double or deleted records in my pda (WM5 with synthesis  
3.0). Unfortunately I can't pinpoint the problem but it looks if it  
has something to do with the refactoring of the Syncml module (cvs  
log: Refactored SyncML module. Now with two backends: Horde and Sql.  
Bumped SyncML version number to 0.7.0), because a cvs version of 13  
works like a charm. Probably I missed something with the  
configuration, but I can't find out what. Can someone give me a hint?

Jan Kuipers
Systeembeheer Lauwers College

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